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Our friends at the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) recently announced their inaugural Get on Board promotion. This new national awareness and advocacy day is designed to educate about and increase support for public transportation among riders and non-riders, elected officials and stakeholders across the country.

You know we like to do things a little different in The South. We thought it was such a good idea that Georgia Commute Options will be celebrating Get on Board for an entire week. Starting on Earth Day (April 22) we’ll be encouraging commuters to “Get on Board” and make the switch by trying transit for two weeks.

Having a robust transit network in our region is a huge plus!! Across America, people board transit 34 million times each day. Imagine if those were all cars sharing the road. Beyond the congestion, there are environmental, safety, health and economic benefits to riding transit.

Maybe you’re not swayed by statistics; we encourage you to just try it. We’ve found that even the most reluctant riders tend to change their tune after they’ve at least given it a try. And for those that decide to make a change in their commute and stop driving alone, we’ll reward them with up to $150. Georgia Commute options a whole host of rewards for commuters who choose a clean commute.

The Georgia Commute Options team and our regional partners are also working with select employers and worksites to identify employees who could qualify for a free transit pass to use Aprill 22-May 3. Ask your employer if they are participating. If the answer is no, maybe you should urge them to contact us at

However you want to participate, let’s make it happen and Get on Board April 22-May 3.

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