Employers play an important role in reducing traffic congestion and air pollution. That’s why we’ve set up special teams and resources to help employers in our area drive change. Georgia Commute Options helps employers develop and implement commuter programs, including telework and flexwork solutions, at worksites around metro Atlanta and surrounding areas.
Employer Services
Our commuter programs help employers reduce costs, provide better planning options, and identify tax savings—all while improving air quality and helping your employees save time and money, too.
Custom Commuter Programs
Local Partners
We partner with Transportation Management Associations and other local transportation entities to provide ridematching services, worksite assistance, incentive programs and more.
Complete the form below to be put in touch with a TMA in your area.

Get Workplace Insights
Sign up for our free employer newsletter and stay ahead of the trends impacting your teams and transportation.
Telework/Flexwork Consulting Services
Learn how our experienced consultants work with Atlanta employers to develop flexible work arrangement programs.
12 Free Services for a Better Workplace
Explore the free services we offer to help your employees reduce drive-alone commuting and improve air quality.