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12 Free Services

Our Services

Program Consultation

Working one-on-one to develop a commute options plan that meets the needs of your organization and its employees.

Pre-tax Benefits to Lower Commute Expenses

Program through the IRS that reduces employee commute costs up to 1/3 for vanpool, transit, and bicycling and saves employers on payroll taxes.

Onsite Events

Presentations and/or tabling events about commute options, assistance and resources available to employees at your worksite.

Financial Incentives Paid to Your Employees

Monetary incentives to motivate commuters to switch from driving alone: carpool, vanpool, telework, transit, bike/walk.

Telework/Flexwork Consulting

Expert consulting to start or expand telework, compressed work week, or flexible work hours program.

Pre-tax Benefits to Lower Commute Expenses

Program through the IRS that reduces employee commute costs up to 1/3 for vanpool, transit, and bicycling and saves employers on payroll taxes.

Employee Commute Survey

2-minute survey, customized to your workforce, used to determine how employees are getting to work today and their level of interest in alternatives and services offered.

Commuter Ridematching and Guaranteed Ride Home

Assistance finding carpool or vanpool partners who live and work near each other, plus up to five free rides home each year for registered employees who use commute alternatives when unexpected events cause them to leave work earlier or later.

Employer Recognition

Public relations exposure in local media and annual awards program spotlighting your organization’s positive impact on commute options.

Employer Education Series

Webinars featuring subject matter experts with guidance on specific commute options topics.

Case Studies

Summaries showing how similar employers have implemented successful commute options programs and the results achieved.

Relocation Commute Planning

Special assistance when an employer moves, providing employees with information about the best commute options available to get them to their new worksite.

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