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Just like a car, your bike also needs annual maintenance. 

With spring in full swing, warmer days and clears skies call for outdoor adventures. As more people dust off their bikes from hibernation, it’s crucial to prepare them for upcoming rides.  

Kris and Mitchell Dunbar, owners of Aztec Cycles, stress the need to prepare your bike, drawing parallels to caring for a car. Kris, who has been fixing bikes since he was 7 years old, shares his journey: 

“I started fixing bikes when I was about 7 or 8 years old. I got really good at it and started getting really passionate. Around 10 years old, I started making money fixing bikes and kind of never stopped since then,” reminisces Kris. 

Having dedicated years to educating and assisting fellow Georgians in all thing’s bikes, the couple imparts valuable tips for spring bike prep: 

Check the Handlebar Grips: 

Kris points out a commonly overlooked detail—handlebar grips. With summer sweat and extended rides, neglecting these can lead to unpleasant surprises. Kris advises, “It’s a great time to replace those because people don’t realize how much yuckiness is under there.” 

Inspect Your Tires: 

Kris emphasizes the crucial task of checking tires. Stored bikes may lose pressure, causing a bumpy ride if not addressed. “Rotate your tires if you still have good life on the front, or at that point, it’s time to replace both the tires,” suggests Kris. 

Examine Gear Cables and Brakes: 

Speaking about the importance of functional brakes, Kris notes, “If you ride the bike, you have to stop—those brakes will wear overtime.” He recommends checking brakes for smooth operation, suggesting a test ride or a visit to your local bike shop if needed. 

Clean Your Bike: 

Using mild detergent and warm water is suggested for a thorough cleaning. The couple says spring is the perfect time to get your bike cleaned, considering the likely storage period and upcoming seasons of use. 

Adjust Your Seat Height: 

Changes during storage are common, and seat height adjustment is often overlooked. Mitchell highlights, “People don’t realize when they move their bikes around things might change—seat height might change from storage.” 

Consider a Bike Overhaul, if needed: 

For avid riders, Kris recommends considering a bike overhaul for a comprehensive rejuvenation. This involves disassembly, inspection, cleaning, and necessary repairs, ensuring your bike runs like new. Kris advises educating yourself on the repairs done during the overhaul to prevent future issues. 

Aztec Cycles, a one-stop shop for biking needs, offers essential products and services. Whether you need bike components, a new ride, or want to delve into biking for the first time. You can even rent different bikes at the shop to find the perfect fit. Kris and Mitchell assure that there’s a bike for everyone, and for those who’ve never ridden before, they offer bike lessons. 

Discover more about Aztec Cycle by visiting or find a bike shop in your area by visiting

This map was made by Propel ATL.