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Turn the Key and Be Idle-Free!

The Dangers of Idling

Did you know that an idling vehicle emits 20 times more pollution than one traveling at 30 miles per hour or that a single idling vehicle can produce up to 3 pounds of air pollution per month?

Idling in school zones can be hard on young lungs, triggering asthma and exposing students to harmful pollution. Not only do children breathe 50% more air per pound than adults, they’re also closer to the ground, so they are also closer to vehicle tailpipes.

Adopting an anti-idling policy at your school is a great first step in making your campus safer and healthier for all students.

Smiling teacher at the front of a classroom with two students raising their hands.
Up close of front of school bus with multiple school busses in the background.

Be Idle-Free Program

The Be Idle-Free anti-idling program is a clean air strategy focused on helping K-12 schools in metro Atlanta raise awareness of the harmful health effects of engine idling, especially for children, and reducing or eliminating on-campus idling.

The key to having a successful anti-idling program at your school is having a solid plan to educate teachers, students and families about the benefits of anti-idling while collecting data to measure your success.

We are here to support your success. Georgia Commute Schools provides program counseling, planning and training collaboration before and during program activities. We also ensure you have the physical and digital resources needed to execute the program, including a comprehensive toolkit that contains anti-idling information, marketing materials and communications templates.

Steps to Be Idle-Free!

  • Evaluation: Following the GCS Anti-Idling toolkit, your school has the choice to record data during data collection weeks, in addition to developing an effective anti-idling campaign.
  • Education: Education is key when you’re asking drivers to help reduce air pollution by shutting off their engines. GCS will provide signs and guidance to help you.
  • Celebration: After completing your campaign, your school will be designated as an idle-free school!
  • Keep up the good work! Schools that complete the program in all subsequent years will receive rewards at not cost.
Three children excitedly walking into school with hands in the air.

Join the program

For more information on how schools and teachers can participate in the GCS anti-idling program fill out this interest form.