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At Georgia Commute Options, we like to keep tabs on how we’re doing with our mission to change how people commute to work. As we finish out 2022, we’re looking back at this year in numbers. 

Over the years, we’ve stayed true to our mission to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality in the Atlanta region. Here’s a snapshot of our top achievements in 2022 in three areas: Regional programs, employer partnerships and school programs. 

Giving The Region’s Commuters A Way to (Re)Try Transit, Biking and More

First, we’d like to look at the results of our regional campaigns, which introduce and encourage positive commuting behaviors among the metro region’s workforce. In 2023, we hosted three successful regional campaigns: (Re)try Transit, Biketober and the Million Air Challenge. Each campaign had strong participation, contributing to less cars on the road and reducing air pollution.

  • 255 Workers who re-tried transit as part of the campaign
  • 26 Employers participated in the “Retry Transit” campaign
  • 1,009,880 Miles of clean trips logged during the two-week long Million Air Challenge
  • 897,571 Pounds of CO2 emissions reduced from the Atlanta region’s air during the Million Air Challenge
  • 333,083 Miles biked during Biketober
  • 3,308 Biketober registrants in 2022

Driving Change Through Employer and Community Partnerships

Georgia Commute Options partners with employers, property managers, cities, counties, chambers of commerce, Community Improvement Districts (CIDs) and local and regional transportation agencies to move the needle on the Atlanta region’s traffic and air quality issues. These partnerships have expanded the program’s reach, extending commuting services to those who need it most.

Alongside all the great work we are doing with our expansive employer partner network, we also launched a new program to recognize employer partners who’ve gone the extra mile to create exceptional commuting programs for their employees. We welcomed our first class of Georgia Commute Options Changemaker award winners. Here’s what we’ve achieved this year with employer and community partners.

Georgia Commute Schools

Each year Georgia Commute Schools (GCS) — a Georgia Commute Options initiative — works with educators to build curricula for young learners to encourage travel safety and teach transportation’s impact on air quality. 2022 meant growth for this program, and we were happy to share knowledge with students about commuting and getting to school safely, with the following results: 

  • 5 Air quality curricula developed to support STEM education for grades K-12
  • 17 Schools and district offices participated in National School Bus Safety Week
  • 110 School Partners, crossing the 100th milestone in 2022
  • 9,000+ Students educated about school bus safety during NSBSW
  • 190+ Bus drivers celebrated during National School Bus Safety Week for their ongoing commitment to their communities
  • 12 Schools participated in Love My Bus Month

To New Heights in 2023

We’re also excited to brag about recognition the GCO team received this year! In November, the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) received recognition from the Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT) as an Outstanding Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for our exemplary leadership in transportation demand management (TDM). Hats off to the team for this collective accomplishment and national recognition! ARC was also a nominee finalist for two awards for Best Overall Benefit Program and for an Outstanding DEI Award. ARC’s programs, especially Georgia Commute Options, deliver important services to the metro region’s commuters and employers that enhance livability and sustainability in Georgia, and we couldn’t have done it without partners like you.

Thank you for all you’ve done to support our mission in 2022, and we look forward to breaking new records together in 2023!