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Whether as their sole transit provider or by connecting with one of the region’s other transit services, more than 500,000 commuters rely on the MARTA system every weekday – making MARTA one of the top 10 transportation agencies in the U.S. With the ability to take you to work, to an Atlanta United game, or your favorite restaurant or attraction in metro Atlanta, MARTA’s combined bus and rail network is made up of 110 lines and 437 buses, traveling an average of 97,786 miles each weekday.

Areas it Serves

Is the thought of 110 lines a little overwhelming? Fear not—MARTA is here to make your commute easier. MARTA provides a detailed map for all the routes and rail lines, so you can find your best possible commute and plan your trip. MARTA operates primarily within the metro Atlanta perimeter, in Fulton, Clayton and DeKalb counties. Rails run north, south, east, west and northeast, with the lines connecting at Five Points station in downtown. Bus routes cover and connect every metro Atlanta community.


Not only does MARTA save you the anxiety of sitting in traffic, it also saves you money. A monthly MARTA Breeze card or 30-Day Pass is only $95, compared to the average $965 a month it costs to drive alone. A one-way trip is $2.50, and there are passes for commuters that take multiple trips a day including 1-4, 7, 10, 20 or 30-day passes that provide unlimited rides during the time frames you choose.

To see where MARTA can take you, visit and make sure to log your clean commute option for the chance to earn cash and win prizes.