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CobbLinc provides local bus service within Cobb County and commuter buses to and from Downtown and Midtown Atlanta. With 14 lines and 56 buses, CobbLinc makes 802 stops and travels 10,327 miles each weekday. With the recently opened Northwest Corridor Express Lanes, CobbLinc riders can benefit from faster trip times and ride in the reversible lanes toll-free.

Areas it Serves

CobbLinc routes connect the most populated areas of Cobb County, including Mableton and Kennesaw. Services operate Monday through Saturday, allowing residents to seamlessly travel throughout Cobb county and into metro Atlanta. Express routes operate to metro Atlanta, connecting with MARTA at the Arts Center station. With several local and express routes, most CobbLinc routes begin and end at the Marietta Transfer Center, and several operate from the Cumberland Boulevard Transfer Center. CobbLinc provides detailed maps and schedules of each of its routes as well as the option to track your bus in real-time.


Cobb county is Georgia’s third most populous county and many residents rely on CobbLinc to get them to and from work and around town for errands and visits with family and friends. CobbLinc offers eight convenient park and ride lot locations as well as FLEX service, an on-demand, curbside bus service that is open to all passengers who schedule through a reservation. Local routes are $2.50 and express routes are $5.00. A Breeze card can also be used, providing commuters with the option to use both CobbLinc or MARTA.

To see where CobbLinc can take you, visit their website and make sure to log your clean commute option for the chance to earn cash and win prizes.