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Metro Atlanta is one of the country’s fastest growing metropolitan regions with thousands of people moving here from across the country. Between 2016 and 2017, metro Atlanta gained 90,000 new residents, the third highest population increase of a metro area in the country.  

While many people are relocating to the area for new job opportunities, other draws include the improved quality of life, favorable cost of living, nice weather and plenty of entertainment and activities. 

With over 90,000 additional people making the area their home, increasing metro Atlanta’s population to nearly 5.8 million, how can the region’s infrastructure be improved to accommodate so many people?  

Our partner, Georgia Department of Transportation (DOT) is advancing our infrastructure with the Major Mobility Investment Program (MMIP). These projects are designed to reduce congestion along key freight and passenger corridors, decrease travel times, improve the movement of freight, provide operational improvements and efficiencies and enhance safety. The 11 mobility projects include four new express lanes systems, three interstate widening projects, three interchange projects and commercial vehicle lanes. For the next ten years, we may see increased construction along Georgia roadways, but Georgia DOT is working for you to improve metro Atlanta and the state’s infrastructure by providing increased travel options, enhanced transit operations and reliable trip times. 

The Atlanta Regional Commission also recently approved more than 100 transportation projects aimed at improving roads and highways, enhancing local transit service and expand the regions multi-use trail network. Construction of these projects will begin over the next five years.

With increased construction and more people on the roads, Georgia Commute Options can connect you with a new commute option that can help you avoid that stressful drive alone to and from work. When you try a clean commute option such as riding transitcarpoolingvanpooling, and/or teleworking you not only avoid traffic, you can earn cash and prizes.     

For more information on commute options and our incentive programs, visit