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We’re officially giving you permission to hit “purchase” on that comfy, chic office chair you’ve been eyeing. In anticipation of our annual Georgia Telework Week, set yourself up for success! Research shows that teleworkers are 20-25% more productive than their office-bound colleagues.

When arranging your space, incorporate touches that showcase your personal style – creating an extension of your office space where you focus and thrive. Check out these tips for inspiration:

  • Separation is key. Detach your home life from your work life by setting up your home office in a separate room of your house, minimizing distractions and increasing concentration.
  • Start with a clean slate. Before you start nailing things up on the wall, clear the space down to the bare bones. This makes it easier to create an inspirational space where you can incorporate your own style. Bonus points for adding home-y accessories and greenery.
  • Let there be light. Higher levels of light help improve productivity. This holds true for natural light and light fixtures, so embrace your home office with both!
  • Get your chairs in order. Invest in a great chair because that’s where you’ll be spending most of your day working in your home office! It’s also recommended that you add a second chair on the opposite side of your desk to offer a “different perspective” throughout the workday.
  • Shelf it up. Organize vertically and horizontally by using floating shelves on the wall and desktop file folders. You should also hide the things you don’t want to see, like old to-do lists and loose sticky notes.
  • Stock-up on office supplies. Save time and multiple trips to Staples, by stocking up on all your office essentials after you’ve decorated. Remember that you are your own assistant in your home office!

The main takeaway here is to make your home office your own! Create a space that reflects your personality – and invites focus rather than distraction. Have a gorgeous home office? Share it with us by tagging Georgia Commute Options across the social media platforms or by hashtagging it #myhomeoffice and #GATeleworkWeek

If you’ve switched to teleworking, make sure that you are logging your telework days so that you can earn points towards great prizes! You can also learn more by checking out our teleworking resources.